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The problem:


With the mapping of the competencies and skills of the courses completed, we had the opportunity to review the entire structure of our courses and improve the performance of some of them to increase their market-fit and the satisfaction of the students.

The first course in which we made this movement was the Digital Marketing and Growth Bootcamp, which was facing difficulties with traction and attraction of new students.



The solution:


The school decided to completely remodel the course, and I led the part of the project that would take care of the methodological aspects: What instructional method would be applied in this process, what would be the types of assessment and materials offered to students. At the team, I had Subject Matter Experts, content developers and product managers.

At the end of the project, we built a new course that was entirely designed with the support of internal experts and people from the digital market, who supported us so that we could have a course more suited to the needs of both people who hire and people who want to be hired as Digital Marketers. 





I was the only Instructional Designer on the team, so was involved in several parts of the project:

  • Decision on the instructional methodology for the design of the course: Backwards Design by Grant Wiggins.

  • Interview scripts with Subject Matter Experts, to define the necessary skills and acceptable evidences to support the Project Based Learning.

  • Description of the skills and definition of the classes structure, along with Project Manager.

  • Writing of the general syllabus and details lesson by lesson.


"Ninguém nasce feito, é experimentando-nos no mundo que nós nos fazemos." 

Paulo Freire

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