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The problem:


With the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, Tera went from a 100% face-to-face operation to a remote model, offering a hybrid experience, mixing synchronous and asynchronous moments with the flipped classroom methodology. 

In this context, my most significant challenge was to adapt the contents of the classes, which were very flexible in the face-to-face model, to a more structured approach. The main need was to maintain the standard between the classes, because due the change to the remote model, the number of classes increased exponentially.


The solution:


Considering this context, the solution presented was to adapt all our journeys to an instructional approach based on competences and abilities.

The project was justified by the impact of this change for several aspects of the operation, ranging from the improvement in the Project Based Learning journey and the search for greater effectiveness in certifications.







​This proposal turned into a project executed by different teams, and its final objective was to reach the OKR of having all the competences and skills delivered by the school in the first quarter of 2021.

The reach of this OKR had a direct impact on the company's strategy, as it served as a basis for the development of other projects that spread to all areas of the company.





"Ninguém nasce feito, é experimentando-nos no mundo que nós nos fazemos." 

Paulo Freire

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